Dead Gamedev

Game Launch & Near Death

Dead Gamedev


The most insane thing upfront : I almost died today

I bought a wrap and coffee from Tim Hortons and started walking to my workplace. On the way there, as I finished my last bite, I choked a bit. Naturally, I coughed a bunch which is my protocol when something sketchy happens with swallowing food. Except this time, It didn’t help. For lack of a better term, I was now suffocating. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t cough, I could only wheeze.

Eating while walking can sometimes cause death.

I had an iced coffee in my hand, but taking a sip didn’t do anything because I couldn’t really swallow. At this point I’ve been wheezing for 2-3 seconds and the panic has already set in. I saw a guy going to his parked car, so i ran over to him while wheezing gesturing with my hand that i was suffocating. He quickly stopped what he was doing, got behind me and did a pseudo-heimlich manuever. After the second time of him compressing my abdomen, I stopped suffocating.

It was insane.

I thanked him profusely, hugged him. Thanked him again. Told him he saved my life. Hugged him again. And resumed my walk to work….

As i walked, it began to dawn on me slowly that I was moments away from dying (i think). It brought a ton of emotions flooding to mind that I can only describe as equal parts sad and equal parts wholesome/hopeful. Sad because I was moments away from leaving the planet and leaving my legacy as-is. And wholesome because a random stranger going about his day just saved a life, and presumably people all around the world are doing the same. Our society has gotten to a point where lifesaving interactions are probably very commonplace. Wild!

It will cause a lot of introspection in the future… That’s for sure!

Anywho! I Launched a game!

A few days ago, I pressed the release button on Charles the Bee!

I knew I was launching the game in a rough state, but was prepared for some negative feedback. However, I was still displeased to see the negative reviews that started coming in….

Over the last few days I’ve spent long nights after work patching the game and ironing out all the bugs. I will continue to improve it and we’ll see how it went in the August 2024 recap and September 2024 recap!

Unique Playercount for Charles the Bee Charles the Bee unique playercount since launch

Second blog post down! This one wasn’t planned, but neither was nearly dying. So there’s that! Im curious how much future self will look back at the moment I almost died. Hopefully he remembers the tremendous tsunami of emotions that transpired today.

Also, here’s another song that I’ve been listening to a lot lately. I liked posting one last time, so I’m going to make sure to continue this feature for future posts.

Maybe by Levar Allen

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